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Dear STF Family, I am writing to express my heartfelt appreciation for the exceptional hospitality I experienced during...

Posted by Muhammad Umar Aslam on Tuesday 13 February 2024

I attended the Samarkand Tourism Forum 2024 (STF) with my husband Mohamed Raaidh, who was a speaker at the forum as...

Posted by Mariyam Shiuna on Friday 1 March 2024

Looking back at the STF program and the connect we made I am really glad we were able to join and to participate. Thanks...

Posted by Sjannie Hulsman-Louwers on Sunday 18 February 2024

Форум для практиков туризма: кому хочется "поднять" и обобщить информацию из разных мест планеты. Получается дедуктивный...

Posted by Anton Koval on Thursday, 30 March 2023

This is an excellent platform for travel business professionals, which allows to share best practices and provides...

Posted by Evgeniy Zalberg on Thursday, 18 June 2020

Это прекрасная площадка для обсуждения новых технологий в туризме, так или иначе связанных со странами СНГ. Большая...

Posted by Maxim Novitskiy on Friday 25 September 2020

Today there was another interactive webinar with the participation of Alla Peresolova, Sjannie Hulsman, Michael...

Posted by Guzalya Yadgarova Shamakhsudova on Saturday, 23 May 2020

Равшан и Миша! Поздравляю.с победой - сегодняшний вебинар это реально качественный прорыв и совершенно другой уровень....

Posted by Sergey Danilov on Sunday, 17 May 2020

Dear STF Family, I am writing to express my heartfelt appreciation for the exceptional hospitality I experienced during...

Posted by Muhammad Umar Aslam on Tuesday 13 February 2024

I attended the Samarkand Tourism Forum 2024 (STF) with my husband Mohamed Raaidh, who was a speaker at the forum as...

Posted by Mariyam Shiuna on Friday 1 March 2024

Looking back at the STF program and the connect we made I am really glad we were able to join and to participate. Thanks...

Posted by Sjannie Hulsman-Louwers on Sunday 18 February 2024

Форум для практиков туризма: кому хочется "поднять" и обобщить информацию из разных мест планеты. Получается дедуктивный...

Posted by Anton Koval on Thursday, 30 March 2023

This is an excellent platform for travel business professionals, which allows to share best practices and provides...

Posted by Evgeniy Zalberg on Thursday, 18 June 2020

Это прекрасная площадка для обсуждения новых технологий в туризме, так или иначе связанных со странами СНГ. Большая...

Posted by Maxim Novitskiy on Friday 25 September 2020

Today there was another interactive webinar with the participation of Alla Peresolova, Sjannie Hulsman, Michael...

Posted by Guzalya Yadgarova Shamakhsudova on Saturday, 23 May 2020

Равшан и Миша! Поздравляю.с победой - сегодняшний вебинар это реально качественный прорыв и совершенно другой уровень....

Posted by Sergey Danilov on Sunday, 17 May 2020
  • Dear STF Family, I am writing to express my heartfelt appreciation for the exceptional hospitality I experienced during my stay in Samarkand and at the Samarkand Tourism Forum. It was a truly memorable experience, and I am incredibly honored to be part of the Samarkand Tourism Forum family.
    The collaborative spirit and knowledge exchange during our time together were not only enjoyable but also immensely enriching for me. The Samarkand Tourism Forum serves as an exemplary platform, bringing together passionate individuals who share a common love for tourism. I have had the pleasure of connecting with numerous like-minded participants, establishing meaningful connections, and broadening my network. Looking ahead, I Hope that we will gather once again for the Samarkand Tourism Forum in 2025. As we bid farewell for now, let's anticipate and prepare for another incredible experience in the future. I am confident that the Samarkand Tourism Forum will continue to grow into an even more influential and dynamic platform in the coming years. The enthusiasm and dedication within this community are inspiring and reflect a shared commitment to advancing the field of tourism.
    A special acknowledgment is due to all the organizers and contributors for their outstanding efforts, making the Samarkand Tourism Forum a truly remarkable experience. In particular, I would like to extend my gratitude to Sergey Makarov, Ravshan Turakulov, and Michael Shamshidov for their exceptional contributions and seamless execution of all arrangements. As I bid farewell, it's not a goodbye but a 'see you soon, somewhere in the world.' The connections forged at the Samarkand Tourism Forum are bound to transcend geographical boundaries, and I eagerly look forward to the next opportunity to reunite with the incredible individuals that make this forum a thriving and dynamic community. Much love and appreciation, Umar

    Muhammad Umar Aslam

    Lecturer | Education Development |Royal Agriculture University 🇬🇧| PHD
  • I attended the Samarkand Tourism Forum 2024 (STF) with my husband Mohamed Raaidh, who was a speaker at the forum as well. I would like to highlight few things that I have personally experienced during the STF. Organizing – Since STF is growing bigger year by year, I have seen the organizers has put so much emphasis to make everything smooth. As a private entity, I would highly appreciate and thank for the organizing team, for making everything easy, for Speakers as well as participants.
    Venue – STF was held at the University premises and different floors were utilised to have different sessions. This was a bit difficult for participants from moving floor to floor. I would suggest to have all the sessions in a same floor, and can be held in different classes. In this way, participants can have a more accessible to the forum. Speakers – the speakers came from different parts of the world. This was very good, as participants had more time to interact with different speakers, during break sessions as well. We would like to see more diverse Speakers around the world. Culinary Tourism – since I come from a culinary background, I would suggest an idea to have a segment for culinary tourism in the next STF. Maybe we can showcase some traditional dishes from different countries and exchange ideas and information about those dishes as well. Just a thought. Networking – all major forums are purely based on good networking. I would strongly say that STF is a wonderful avenue to have a good networking from many walks of life. For my personal experience, I have met wonderful team from Kyrgyzstan and infact I have visited to that beautiful country after the forum. With this great networking, we have found many opportunities for future collaborations. All in all, I would say STF is a wonderfully curated and important forum for people in the tourism and hospitality industry. Since the CIS countries are coming up with many innovative ideas on tourism and hospitality industry, we must make the best use of STF as a platform for them to showcase their talents, businesses, opportunities and great networking. Once again thanking you Mr. Michael and all organizers of “STF 2024 Family” for this wonderful forum.

    Mariyam Shiuna

  • Looking back at the STF program and the connect we made I am really glad we were able to join and to participate. Thanks to Ravshan, MiSha and Sergey!!! Central Asian Hospitality is fabulous and we are looking forward to see you back again anytime soon 🙏🍀
    Sjannie Hulsman-Louwers
    Owner and Founder at EastguidesWest
  • Равшан и Миша! Поздравляю с победой - сегодняшний вебинар это реально качественный прорыв и совершенно другой уровень. Это первый вебинар (в туризме), который я просто сидел и конспектировал! За такую инфу реально надо доплачивать!
    Сергей Данилов
  • Форум для практиков туризма: кому хочется "поднять" и обобщить информацию из разных мест планеты. Получается дедуктивный метод: на основе частного опыта создается модель, проходит эмпирическое испытание и шериться со всеми участниками. Нельзя не отметить дух форума: настоящая команда и товарищество единомышленников, людей, объединенных общими ценностями!
    Антон Коваль
    Эксперт по устойчивому развитию, генеральный директор агентства “Апостроф
  • This is an excellent platform for travel business professionals, which allows to share best practices and provides extremely valuable detailed information for different aspects of running a travel business. I would like to thank Samarkand Tourism Forum for organizing an excellent webinar with Ati Tusun, co-founder of Indy Guide. Ati shared a lot of insiders information about doing marketing for new travel destinations and how he verifies hosts.

    Evgeniy Zalberg
    Турлидер, эксперт по качеству и конфликтологии в туризме
  • Это прекрасная площадка для обсуждения новых технологий в туризме, так или иначе связанных со странами СНГ. Большая благодарность Michael Shamshidov за то, что привлекаете высококлассных спикеров и постоянно подпитываете интерес участников новыми трендами и открытиями.
    Maxim Novitskiy
  • Today there was another interactive webinar with the participation of Alla Peresolova, Sjannie Hulsman, Michael Shamshidov. I'd like to express my respect and gratitude to the speakers and other participants for their indifference, time, efforts and attention that they spent on our development and development of tourism. Their participation gives hope that together we can change a lot and this time is coming))
    Guzalya Yadgarova Shamakhsudova